Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Living it, large or small, I'm doing it

I have returned from the doctor and everything looks great so far for this baby on the way.  I found out I am farther along by 1 week than they thought.  I am ok with that!  I will take it!  Still don't know if we have a buddy or a budette but will find out in 6 weeks.  I am thinking girl.  All I know is that I am exhausted.  Working full time, going to graduate school and raising two kids is hard work!  My dear husband works nights so I feel like I am a single mom most of the time.  How I am getting through each day is a mystery to us all. 

Livia's birthday is fast approaching which is making this time fly by but feel like it is standing still all at the same time.  More memories, good and bad, are flooding back and constant.  Sleepless nights are in full swing and panic attacks are settling in.  I just keep saying to myself, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this...  I think.  I sit and dream about being able to stay at home with my babies soaking in every precious moment of their lives. I don't want to miss a thing!  Snuggling my son (when he allows it) is so wonderful and fills me with joy.  Many times when I am holding him I am brought back to those few days I had with Livia.  It is such an awkward feeling holding something so precious and feeling sad.  The mixed emotions are more of a roller coaster than the chaos that is my life right now.

I love my job, it is such a wonderful experience and NEVER boring.  I sometimes have a hard time though.  Walking the halls each day, seeing my co-workers, I don't see them as they are that day, I see them at the funeral home when Livi died.  They are all so wonderful, caring and supportive.  BUT, seeing them sometimes brings back painful memories.    I just want to run away and hide for a short time.  I am still trying to find my footing back in this world, and putting on the brave face and smile is so difficult. The last day of school is often the week or day of Livia's birthday.  I never say anything to anyone at work, but that week is the hardest other than her angel date.  I am the only teacher I know that HATES the end of school.  Kind of ironic!  If they said we were going to go to school year round I would throw a party! 

I just need a break.  A day to myself.  A day where I am not worrying about anything.  Maybe a spa day??  A day at a hotel by the pool sipping drinks (no alcohol though at least until baby comes)?  That would be so lovely.  I am feeling very run down and sore. 

Well back to the grind. Have a project and discussion due before I crawl into bed and pray for a restful night sleep.  Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing! The hubby and I have rough days ahead too, Trey's birthday is March 23rd and his Angelversary is April 4th. I feel like you do about the last day of school, except with Spring Break. Don't think I will ever really enjoy Spring Break again. BIG HUGS to you dear friend! I am always here for you when you need me!
